3 thoughts on “Bad Idea

  1. But that would be just like the clusters of credit card companies in, what are the states, South Dakota and Delaware? As soon as the Klown Kongreffs realizes it’s good for them, it’ll happen, bank on it. Book it, done.

  2. There’s a similarity between this post and the one above and that’s the erosion of democracy.

    If we’re stuck keeping this crazy #$%@ patchwork health insurance system, I at least want the insurance companies I have to buy my insurance from to be regulated by MY state. That way, if there’s something I want changed, I have the small possibility of being able to influence MY legislators to change it. Which is something sort of what is happening now in my state: autism parents are working hard to get autism treatments covered by health insurance, which autism parents in some other states have already succeeded at. But what leverage would exist if the insurance was out of another state?

    I didn’t have the stomach to read the entire Ebert article, but his endorsement of charter schools represents another bit of democracy dismantling. Again, if I’m not happy with my local public school district, I have the small possibility of changing things. I can learn all about how the district is being run, because of open record laws. I can speak at school board meetings, I can cast my vote to throw the bums out or keep them, I can even run for the school board myself. Charters? They get public money but there’s no public oversight. I can’t vote for their management, they are private organizations.

  3. Yes, selling ins. across state lines is as stupid as buying drugs from Canada… the cost benefits are illusory…

    Instead, health insurance providers need to be forced to nationalize their risk pool and procure interstate re-insurance to back it. Right now, your car insurance premium is based on everybody your age with your kind of car with similar driving habits to you… but your health premium is based on everybody in your company… smaller pools, more variability in risk, higher premiums… the damned lies of statistics…

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