Since You’ve Gone

I’m watching the DVD of Robert Altman’s “Nashville” (since the cable is out again) and I’d forgotten all about this song, performed by a group called Tom, Bill & Mary (Keith Carradine, Cristina Raines and Allan F. Nicholls) in the film. You’ll never guess who wrote it: Gary Busey!

Since You’ve Gone – Nashville

whytrytwice | MySpace Video

4 thoughts on “Since You’ve Gone

  1. I’m in this movie, as an extra in the final scene at the Parthenon. (I was working at Opryland that summer.)

    On the big screen, you could actually see me. Not so sure about it on home video.

  2. Wow. What a great song. I wonder if there is any way to get a clear recording of it? It’s not on the movie’s soundtrack, but I would like to learn to play it.

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