Is Mittens the real-life Thurston Howell?

I shouldn’t post again about the same story, but the Hamptons event is such a perfect expression of Mitt Romney’s political instincts and personal style. Maybe the swinish spectacle was inspired by Gilligan’s Island:

Noting that Romney’s donors at recent fundraiser in New York seemed more like fictional caricatures of the rich and affluent, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow wondered if the Republican presidential candidate had been “punked.”

“There are only two possibilities here at this point,” she said Monday night. “Either this is brilliant satire and the Romney campaign is being punked, and I tip my hat to the ‘billionaires for Romney’ or whoever you are who have pulled this off and convinced all these reporters that you are actual rich people saying things that obnoxious about Mitt Romney and what he stands for. Or there is somebody inside the Romney campaign who is trying to make Mitt Romney look as much as possible like Thurston Howell…”