Romneybot blows hot and cold on wind energy

Really, has there ever been another presidential candidate who lied so readily and so shamelessly? Is there some special dispensation in the Book of Mormon for ambitious true believers who avoid honesty on all issues, at all costs? From ThinkProgess:

Mitt Romney has spent nearly a year downplaying the effectiveness of wind energy and other renewable sources of energy. “In place of real energy, Obama has focused on an imaginary world where government-subsidized windmills and solar panels could power the economy,” Romney wrote in a Columbus Dispatch op-ed.
Just days ago, his campaign doubled down on his fossil fuel platform by opposing any extension of the wind production tax credit. If the tax credit is allowed to expire at the end of 2012, as Romney hopes, that could cost the U.S. up to 37,000 jobs.
But while the former Massachusetts governor disparages wind, he changed his story on Wednesday, as he campaigned in the nation’s second largest wind state, Iowa:
ROMNEY: We have got to take advantage of America’s extraordinary energy resources: coal, oil, gas, nuclear, renewables, wind, solar, ethanol, you name it. We’ve gotta take advantage of all of them…

One thought on “Romneybot blows hot and cold on wind energy

  1. Mr. 1% and every other stinking Republican just sucks air. Period. The way to tell if any of them is lying is when their lips begin to move.

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