2 thoughts on “The rich get richer

  1. What caused this wage and wealth decline? Look at the chart. It clearly shows that Laffer’s “Trickle Down” economic theory, which Ronald Wilson Reagan embraced, is the main culprit. The hero of the Right and of every thieving Capitalist alive and dead is Ronald Wilson Reagan. Bush 41 followed the Reagan plan as did Bill Clinton and Bush 43. Obama broke faith with the plutocratic oligarchy, who ‘allowed’ him the presidency, on its carefully constructed path to economic enslavement of the 99% and they are enraged. “He’s a failure.” He’s not up to the job.” “He lied (to us 1%)”. “He’s not one of us. He’s the ‘other’.” Bring out the rope and string him up.

  2. From Juan Cole’s post:

    Indeed, Europe (the “Old World”) now offers more opportunities for upward mobility and getting ahead than the United States.

    No wonder Romney keeps talking so disdainfully and disparagingly about Europe….

    Guess he really does want not just one army of the unemployed, but many of them, to scare the hell out of workers about losing their pittances and ensure the One Percenters can get their labor costs down to near zero.

    Gee, why not just provide hovels and bare mininimum nutrition, no schooling (except for what the bosses determine is needed to perform necessary tasks), but get the wage slaves to promise to never strike and work till they die? No health care, no contraception (gotta keep the baby assembly line rolling to ensure there are plenty of the starving eager to take the places of those who can no longer work or die on the jobs with few to no safety regulations), no right to strike much less unionize, and so forth. Those silly Foundinbg Fathers, and the uppity states, who believed in that quaint Bill of Rights.

    Ya know, those feudal lords had the system just about right, except for too many religious holidays and too much individuality allowing free thinkers to pop up every so often….

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