2 thoughts on “Hmm

  1. I don’t blame young people because there’s no such thing as “news” anymore. We have entertainment shows that cycle their propaganda every 24 hours masquerading as “news”. Car wrecks, fires, mass killings, etc. are the only hard news that have no opinionated viewpoint, which what just about everything else we see or hear via radio and tee vee is. The old axiom about three sides to every story holds so true these days: my side, your side, and the truth.

  2. That kind of fits in with studies showing that people are getting smarter. Unfortunately, too many young people have been taken in by religion and extremists who attack the media when it points out what nonsense they espouse. While I agree on the worthlessness of the media, I wonder if the study shouldn’t have looked deeper to determine how many of these young people don’t believe the media because, for example, it supports the science of evolution and reports on the falsehood of creationism.

    Here’s a quote from the cited article: “The majority of millennials do not feel being informed is important.” I can’t see how that would be good for anybody. I am also not sure the media can be blamed for this, despite the poor job they do. In an Information Age, and an age where Americans grow up in relative wealth and comfort, despite the current economic turmoil (I see very young people with cellphones, computers, computer games, etc.–not to get all Nestorian on you, but when I was a kid, I didn’t have bicycle, and I grew up urban middle class), young people will likely go to the information they find most entertaining because so much of this “information” age is geared towards entertainment, not informing. I wonder how many kids go to TED.com rather than Facebook every day.

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