The real question

Why do so many people make so little money that they don’t pay income tax? Dave Johnson explains.

(And by the way, the vast majority of poor people who don’t pay taxes are in the very Republican deep South. The millionaires who don’t pay taxes? They live wherever they want.)

2 thoughts on “The real question

  1. As Rick Santorum said, “Stupid people vote Republican.” Most of the stupid people, the majority of them white, live in the South. That’s unfortunate, but it’s been that way for a few hundred years. If you can be talked into believing that it’s OK with God to own another human being or that the living Jesus is coming back to make everything okie-dokie, then you can be talked into believing anything. Like the Republicans are your best friend and the Democrats are Godless devils.

  2. But those southern whites CAN’T vote Democratic, or they would have to get gaymarried and have abortions. I’m not sure how they reconcile the dichotomy, but some beliefs are just not rational. It must be true, I heard it on the intertubes.
    Blue states pay the taxes and red states collect the welfare, but Obama supporters want more free stuff. Never let the facts get in the way of a good campaign slogan.

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