3 thoughts on “Thomas Jefferson

  1. Thank you.

    You know how they say pupil dilation is a sign of interest?
    Well, everyone’s pupils dilate in response to a pen light.
    Romantic like that?

    Still think Old TJ is pure as the driven snow?
    Thank you for the post to dispel the illusion.
    Ok, we’ve all been punked. Yes ALL.

    Hopey changey that we’re all now smart enuf to know better next time.
    Wise enuf to assign responsibility accordingly.
    Big secret of the day: Reflex is not intention.
    The ANS response (autonomic nervous system) has become a tool for rad behaviorists to lull the so-called privileged pipeliners into collusion. You heard it here first. Now, WTFU. TIA

    Oh, and there’s this:

    Read the whole thing. Gets interesting around Para#4.
    Consider it a, shall we say, bold confession by a motu ‘dupe’.
    Oh, and if you really get intrigued (promise it’s more fascinating than the latest blood flow reading, and it might even get yours going). Read the latest recantation from same, dated today, 1OCT.

    Have a nice day : )

    PS Suze, belated BDAY wishes.
    Tip jar later this week ~

  2. Well. Very interesting that Jefferson, despite his amazingly lucrative slave breeding business, died about 1,500,000 in debt in contemporary dollars. The only thing that kept his creditors from raping him was his reputation. When he died, everything was sold off to appease the creditors. Jefferson could never make money at ANYTHING, let along making nails of breeding slave children.
    Here’s a bit from the Monticello web page: http://www.monticello.org/site/research-and-collections/debt
    Do a little research before you dance on someone’s grave.
    You’re all dupes, but believe me, Thomas Jefferson has less than nothing to do with it. Direct your outrageous rage in more productive directions.

  3. Hey, King Kong, perhaps it’s YOU who should be doing a little more research before you go spouting off again. Seriously, dude?

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