3 thoughts on “Eric Cantor

  1. Politics is a very strange science and/or art. Sometimes you vote for things that bug the crap out of you because your alternatives are very limited. Voting to re-elect Obama is a no-brainer because a President Mitt Romney would be a disaster and no third party candidate can win. Does that mean that by voting for Obama you support him and his policies? Or does it simply mean that you’re being rational given the alternatives?

  2. It’s both, im. I, as many Dems, surely support a great many of Obama’s policies and realize he could have done more without the obstructionism, but I also believe he took too many slaps in the face as he tried to bend over backwards to appease the Right—-he gave up too much before he got anything at all in a number of cases.

    However, any rational person with the power to vote must not let Williard and Lyin’ Ryan gain presidential power. If nothing else, the upcoming likely appointments in the SCOTUS will change American lives for at least a few generations to come.

  3. You’re absolutely right about the Supreme Court,dandy. Nobody who cares about gay rights, women’s rights, minority rights, or any other kind of rights would vote for anybody but Obama. Period.

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