5 thoughts on “Picking sides

  1. Same reason I’m not a Catholic anymore. The Vatican has shown itself to be just another super-wealthy corporation that plays the same games with people’s lives that we see everywhere else. The nuns do the work they took an oath to do, and according to the Bible, that’s the same kind of work Jesus asked all of us to do. Screw the Vatican—-and the their greedy old pope also.

  2. I agree with dandy. The hierarchy has always been out of touch, but now they seem to be pushing for a showdown. But why should they worry if half the Catholics leave. They still own all the property and investments. A smaller Church with only true-believers, but a very wealthy Church.
    This issue with the nuns has come up in conversations with family and friends. Even faithful Catholics really don’t like this. It looks like bullying. We may joke about mean nuns with rulers, but the nuns were involved in our lives and often made them better. The priests, not so much.

  3. “But why should they worry if half the Catholics leave. They still own all the property and investments. A smaller Church with only true-believers, but a very wealthy Church.”

    I’m not sure how wealthy the church will be in the US. Are they finished paying out cash settlements to all those abuse victims, or is that still ongoing?

  4. It’s still ongoing. But it hardly made a dent in most dioceses. There really is a lot of land, buildings, and endowments owned by the Church.

  5. The Catholic Church has become more corporatist than ever. I just talked to a former Catholic classmate from our high school days years ago. She’s one of a very few still around, and she’s about as devout a Catholic as one might imagine. To her the pedophile or abortion issues have never even been a slight concern.

    So now, still living in Detroit which has been economically devastated, she finds that mostly all the Catholic Churches have closed their doors and fled to the suberbs, and the one or two churches left are threatening to close if the parishioners don’t go door-to-door offering baked goods for sale, or flat-out donations.

    She explained that she simply can’t continue asking other poor people to help her church realizing how rich her church really is. Plus, she’s almost 70 years old and is simply going to quit the church for good. Yep, the pastors of these churches are really following Jesus’ teachings, right?

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