
They should move everything back at least a half-mile. But since rich people own the beachfront, they’ll get to build in the same places again:

LONG BEACH TOWNSHIP, N.J. -Some environmentalists say New Jersey should consider not rebuilding everything lost to Superstorm Sandy.

U.S. Geological Survey scientist Jeffress Williams says that rising sea levels and changing weather patterns make it likely that the coast will be hit by more frequent destructive storms.

He and other shoreline advocates say officials should consider restricting development to reduce the harm storms can do. They suggest relocating homes and businesses farther from the ocean, building more seawalls and keeping sand dunes high.

2 thoughts on “Duh

  1. Why limit the rich to living in areas threatened by hurricanes on sterioids. Let’s also encourage them live on earthquake fault lines or near active volcanoes. Maybe we could persuade them to invest in undervalued real estate in areas devastated by plagues.

  2. Only stupid, suicidal animals would not consider acting to preserve their lives and property. Let the rich’s property be smashed and drowned. And no government money to rebuild. IF they want to live large, let them pay for it ENTIRELY.

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