2 thoughts on “Good question

  1. Which truth? ‘Who’ did it or ‘why’ they did it? The ‘why’ is easy to answer. Kennedy was about to shut the Vietnam war down. The 1% wanted that war and nobody including Kennedy was going to be allowed to stop it. ‘Who’ among the several groups that wanted him dead got to him first is an interesting question. That our intelligence agencies permitted the assassination to take place is obvious. Ruby was a mob guy. Just work the facts backwards from there.

  2. Taegan Mathis’s “Against Them” is a dense, convoluted decoding of Lynne Cheney’s roman a clef “Executive Provilege, in which he contends that Watergate was actually a cover-up of the Kennedy assasination, implemented by Dick Cheney, Bob Woodward, Donald Rumsfeld and Al Haig, with the latter two having been central figures in the assasination itself. And then there’s Poppy Bush, who can’t remember where he was on 11/23/1963.

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