Dear leader


North Korean Dear Leader/monster Kim Jong-Un is now requiring every man in the country to copy his exact haircut. The rule was reportedly introduced in Pyongyang two weeks ago.

Until now, there have been 28 government-approved hairstyles in North Korea—10 for men and 18 for women.

Long hair has been discouraged by North Korean state TV since 2005, when a campaign warned men that too much hair could consume vital nutrients, stunting brain development. The campaign recommended they schedule haircuts every 15 days.

Now the state is going a step further, reducing men’s hair options to one: Kim’s famous center-parted ‘do.

One thought on “Dear leader

  1. I laughed out loud when I saw this… and then remembered the only reason it’s funny is because I don’t live in North Korea.

    I’ve decided over the last decade or so that most people high up in politics are psychopaths. But they’re normal psychopaths, if you know what I mean. Monsieur Kim seems to keep finding new ways of being completely crazed.

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