China Hires NYPD to Advise on Repressing Protests…


The Daily Currant...

The New York Police Department has signed a lucrative contract with the Chinese government to provide training and expertise on successfully cracking down on peaceful protests by brutalizing protesters.

According to the $10-million contract, NYPD officers will travel to Beijing and train Chinese police on the best methods for quickly repressing political, social and economic protests against the government and rounding up protesters for arrest with minimal media attention.

NYPD advisers will place particular emphasis on how the Chinese police can handle any potential gatherings marking the upcoming 25th anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, in which the military brutally suppressed pro-democracy activists.

Authorities in China — where freedoms of speech and assembly are restricted — said they were impressed with the NYPD’s reputation for serving the wealthy and privileged while using excessive force to break up peaceful protests, most notably Occupy Wall Street, and convicting the protesters in kangaroo courts.


5 thoughts on “China Hires NYPD to Advise on Repressing Protests…

  1. Well, isn’t that something. A decade into the 21st Century and repression has become a major US export.

  2. Fascists are the same the world over. Little Tommy Friedman would be proud that we have found another valuable service to export. Besides blowing stuff up.

  3. It’s so hard to do satire these days given that the “real” news has many unbelievably absurd and/or ironic stories.

  4. “It’s so hard to do satire these days given that the “real” news has many unbelievably absurd and/or ironic stories.”

    Actually, that makes it easier.
    I remember that during Watergate, Art Buchwald (remember him?) basically wrote entire columns by quoting the various rethugs involved, and connecting their statements with a few well-chosen words of his own.
    The jokes, they wrote themselves.

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