6 thoughts on “Grampy McCain: We won in Iraq and Obama fucked it up

  1. Oh right. Like we “won” in Viet Nam. These war-mongers never get it. There is no “winning” in war – you just make more enemies. The U.S. military should be a global force for HELPING after catastrophes (like in the Philippines recently) to rebuild. Then we wouldn’t have enemies, only allies.

  2. I don’t get grumpy’s logic. If we won, then how could removing troops fuck it up? If it really was a full victory, that would be the best time for the soldiers to go home. On other other hand, if all we were doing is tamping down violence and propping up an unstable regime, with the violence poised to spring back as soon as we left, how can you call that winning?

  3. Bombs away McCain and the rest of the Zionist/neo-con warmongers (Kristol, Wolfowitz, Rep Rogers and King, etc.) want Obama to side with the Sunnis against Maliki and the Shiites. What they want is for us to side with ISIL (ISIS). Which makes sense given the fact that these Zionist/neo-con creatures support both Israel and Saudi Arabia. ISIL (ISIS) was created, funded and armed by Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia. As was al-Qaeda. That makes Saudi Arabia an exporter of terrorism. Israel supports the Saudi attempt to overthrow Assad in Syria, the Saudi Sunni ISIL (ISIS) drive to overthrow Shiite Maliki in Iraq and any war that the United States might want to declare on Iran. Fool me once…..

  4. Why does McCain keep getting tons of air time?
    The man is an incompetent fool and calculating liar.
    What a lethal combination.

  5. McCain gets air time for the same reason Cheney or any other Reich-wing tool does. The 1% are making a fortune from people dying and they don’t want to be found out.

  6. Given that most everybody who served in the Bush regime is a war criminal, do you suppose that we could take up a collection and pay the Russians to swoop in with a bunch of Black Ops guys to capture and take all them to Baghdad? That’s what Obama did in Libya today.

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