One damn thing after another


I get cysts in one of my breasts. This time, they hurt a lot, didn’t go away and it got to the point where even typing hurt. (Which made sense after I found a painfully swollen gland under my arm.)

“Why didn’t you come in before?” the doctor said.

I shrugged. “I’ve had it before, I’m not worried.” And I’m not.

He says it’s probably an infection, and wanted me to get a mammogram. But I don’t want a diagnostic mammogram, which is a relatively high amount of radiation. So I asked my doctor for an ultrasound instead, which is better at spotting cysts anyway, but he said he didn’t know if the insurance would go for it. I called to make the appointment and was told they won’t do an ultrasound without a mammogram. So much for my concerns! Between the pancreatitis and the diverticulitis, I’ve had one hell of a lot of radiation in the past few years and I’d like not to add to it.

So when they tell you to be careful about your radiation exposure, it’s a moot point. You don’t get to make those decisions, the insurance company does.

Thanks to Price Benowitz LLP, Medical Malpractice.

6 thoughts on “One damn thing after another

  1. Yeah. It’s how the insurance companies cut costs.

    1) Make everybody have X-rays before ultrasound

    2) Condition requires ultrasound

    3) ***

    4) Profit!

    (No, I don’t understand those droogs either.)

  2. We wouldn’t have any of these issues if we all had Medicare and put the insurance companies out of business. Junk the ACA. And Obama.

  3. You have gluten problems. Gluten, soy, dairy, eggs, sugar, peanuts have all got to go. 21 days to see how much better you feel. Is that too difficult. Just take them all out.This is the beginning of the The Virgin Diet.

    As for your breasts: no bra, no deodorant. If your lymph gland hurts that’s where you are storing poisons until your kidneys and liver can process the body pollution already in the pipeline. This part in Hulda Clark.

    Yeh I know you don’t want to hear any of this. But you will sooner or later have to take control of your health or someone else is going to do it. Right now it is your insurance company. Later it will be worse.

  4. Um, you do know you are at the peak age for a bc dx, don’t you? Having a history of cysts doesn’t excuse you from that risk.
    Different types of scans pick up different things, so a diagnostic & an US together make a lot of sense. I think your dr didn’t want to get into an argument with you about it and so blamed the insur co. He and the imaging center are just following protocol.

    That’s not to say I haven’t had a few run ins with my insur co sticking its nose into where it shouldn’t, myself. But I’m betting you are misreading this one.

    Good luck, hoping for B9 results for you!

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