4 thoughts on “‘The tank shells fell like rain’

  1. So with savagery like this, Israelis really expect attacks against civilians will end?? It seems rather to be designed to provoke a wider conflict in order to draw the US into the conflict to do their fighting for them. Any bets on Big Oil being at the bottom of it all. Looking at you Project for the New American Century.

  2. This is already an American war. Most of the military equipment and all of the munitions used to kill Palestinians in Gaza was a gift from the United States to Israel. Additionally the U.S. has stored another $1 billion dollars worth of bullets and bombs in Israel for future use. Which the Zionists tapped into today. 3760 BC is the first day of the Jewish calendar. So the Jews have been warmongers for at least the last 5 thousand 800 years.

  3. I’m reminded of the comment some American cavalry officer made, when asked why he massacred Native Americans in their humble huts, why he included the children…

    “Nits make lice.”

    Isn’t that what settler states are all about? Kill off the native population and move in…

    Isn’t the United States of America a settler state? I live on on Seneca land (Rochester, New York) and see precious few Native Americans around here.

    Somebody killed them off, I guess. Wasn’t me, so I’m ok with that.
    No video in those days, so it’s ok that I’m sitting pretty on Seneca land and hurt so much about the Palestinian children.

    The Israeli’s aren’t doing anything new.

  4. wobbly, which doesn’t make it right…….or acceptable or just or righteous in this day and age. Everything ends in the end.

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