Delaware school board cancels reading list because of the gay

What a bunch of wusses this school board is:

The Cape Henlopen School Board nuked its entire summer reading list to keep kids from reading The Miseducation of Cameron Post, Emily M Danforth’s acclaimed YA novel about a gay teenager coming of age in Montana.

Originally, the board was content to merely strikeCameron Post from the list, ignoring its own rules for challenging reading assignments, and figleafed its bigotry by insisting that the book’s removal was due to profanity, rather than LGBT themes. When anti-censorship groups pointed out that many of the other books on the list contained profanity, it did away with the summer reading list altogether.

Via Steve Duckett.

2 thoughts on “Delaware school board cancels reading list because of the gay

  1. If I were a parent, I’d go find the list and get the books for my kids anyway. Then I’d have them write a report on the use of profanity in literature and I’d mail it to the board. Schmucks.

  2. LOL – Love the report idea Ron.

    Srsly, haven’t these parents ever watched Footloose? Stigmatizing a book or music or anything only makes kids want to read it more or do it more.

    Conservatives act out of fear and end up bringing about the very thing they fear. Always. Raise your kids in a stifling and sheltered manner and your kids WILL get into trouble. Period.

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