One thought on “Panhandle Slim… Art for Folk…

  1. It’s beginning to become clear that Obama may be the smartest guy in any room. Apparently he has gotten Assad to agree to the US bombing of ISIS in Syria. He has also been working with Iran on the ground game against ISIS in Iraq. Obama is about to get Saudi Arabia and Qatar to stop funding ISIS. Egypt is now working with Hamas on opening their common border. Jordan, the UAE and Saudi Arabia are about to actively and openly work to defeat ISIS. That leaves only two odd men out, Israel and Turkey. Turkey doesn’t like the fact that we are arming the Kurds. They’ve been fighting the Kurdish “terrorists” for 50 year. ISIS is also holding 40 Turkish diplomats hostage. How Obama brings Turkey on board is yet to be determined. Then there is Israel. After playing a double-game for the past 66 years, nobody in the Middle East trusts or likes the Zionists. The Israeli people could help themselves voting the Likud Party out of power and then charting a more moderate political course in the future. Interesting times.

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