What really went wrong

Democratic pollsters talk to Greg Sargent:

The exit polls show that candidates like Mark Pryor, Kay Hagan, Bruce Braley and Mark Udall lost by anywhere from large to truly massive margins among non-college whites and older voters. That’s also true of theoverall national electorate. You should treat these exit polls with a grain of salt, but the pollsters I spoke to agree that this gets at a fundamental problem Democrats face.

These pollsters argued that this was above all the result of a failure to connect with these voters’ economic concerns. At the root of these concerns, Mellman says, are stagnating wages and the failure of the recovery’s gains to achieve wider, more equitable distribution. Democrats campaigned on a range of economic issues — the minimum wage, pay equity, student loan affordability, expanded pre-kindergarten education — but these didn’t cut through people’s economic anxieties, because they didn’t believe government can successfully address them.

“People are deeply suspicious that government can deliver on these problems,” Mellman says, in a reference to the voter groups that continue to elude Democrats. “And they are not wrong. We’ve been promising that government can be a tool to improve people’s economic situation for decades, and by and large, it hasn’t happened.”

Republicans were able to capitalize on the failure of Democrats to connect economically, in large part because of Obama’s unpopularity in these states, which helped ensure that the Democratic Party owned people’s economic anxieties.

“Republicans were exceptionally successful in nationalizing the election in most places, and on focusing voters’ anger and anxiety on Obama,” pollster Geoff Garin, who polled in the Iowa race, told me. “Voters were particularly inclined to punish whoever is running things. Democrats owned the status quo in voters’ minds.”

This dynamic fed into the broader Republican strategy of seizing on every crisis that came along to sow doubts about Obama’s — and government’s — competence. Pollster Andrew Maxfield, who polled in the Arkansas and Alaska Senate races, says Republicans successfully made the case that government just wasn’t working for people — economically or otherwise.

“This election — like 2006 — was in large part about accountability,” Maxfield says. “It became a referendum on perceived government incompetence. ISIS, Ebola, and the border fit squarely in there but it wasn’t exclusively about competence. It was also about who government is working for economically. Linking specific Democrats to Obama became a catch-all for that broader case.”

Ultimately, stressing individual issues such as the minimum wage hike and pay equity wasn’t enough to get past that — even if they are quite popular — because these voters want to hear a more comprehensive message about how Democrats would move the economy forward. Pollster Celinda Lake, who polled on multiple races, says the broader failure to articulate this — from the President on down — led these voters to opt instead for vague promises of a change in direction.

“We have a huge problem: People do not think the recovery has affected them, and this is particularly true of blue collar white voters,” Lake said. “What is the Democratic economic platform for guaranteeing a chance at prosperity for everyone? Voters can’t articulate it. In the absence of that, you vote for change.”

“Our number one imperative for 2016,” Lake concluded, “is to articulate a clear economic vision to get this country going again.”

Wait, what? We need white working class voters and a strong economic message? Whoever would have guessed it?

H/t Defense Attorney Terry Eaton.

6 thoughts on “What really went wrong

  1. As painful as the next two years might be, I can’t help but be heartened by the defeat of Democrats afraid to push a Progressive Agenda (which was once the Democratic Agenda).

  2. I would argue that Dems failed miserably (again) to connect with majority of Americans who aren’t “non-college whites and older voters.” So for the umpteenth time, why doesn’t the Democratic Party legitimately represent the values of the people who would vote for them? Perhaps because they’re paid not to??

  3. We all know what message the Democrats need to deliver. Even the elected, and now un-elected, Democrats know it. So Ron is probably on to something. If the Democratic Party was actually working for us then they would certainly deliver the jobs, fair wages, and equalization of wealth message. But if they’re working for the 1% instead then they really couldn’t care less about being thrown out of office. Why? Because they’ve been promised vast wealth to carry the 1%’s water while in office and then collect after they’ve been booted out. Does anyone still have any faith whatsoever in this corrupt system? 60% of the eligible voters did not vote yesterday. So who is the dumbest one of all? Those of us who did vote or those who did not?

  4. “And they are not wrong. We’ve been promising that government can be a tool to improve people’s economic situation for decades, and by and large, it hasn’t happened.”

    I don’t give a crap about the message on how they are going to “move the country ahead”. I need to see them DO IT. People don’t believe in the “recovery” because there had been NO recovery, only manipulated statistics. Obama did not live up to his promises, and I, for one, could not care less what happens to him.

    The only really disturbing thing is that all these political geniuses had no idea this was going to happen. They all say how surprised they were. Anyone with two eyes to see reality could have told them. Will any of them lose their jobs and reputations?

  5. The democrats need a teaparty counter party. People who really really and really strongly believe and stand for something better in this deteriorating US society.
    Socialism is NOT a curse word. Stand for it and, more importantly, stand BY it. It is very much liked by the electorate!
    Moving to the right is obviously not working. Try moving to the LEFT and point out how the electorate is being screwed by the right/moneyed/power
    Ironically, the tea party is trying to address many of the same issues the left has with the current state-of-affairs. Unfortunately they blame it on, you know, the blehs (thanks Atrios)
    The left needs to take those very same issues and give a progressive solution to them. And effin believe them and stand by them!
    If not, as the existing powerstructure currently is doing, Ralph Nader has a point and they will have to go.
    It’s not hard. Socialist (gasp!) policies are, in fact, extremely popular. We need leaders who will follow thru on that message.

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