Cautiously optimistic

Small Pepper Grinder - Black

My acupuncturist Jen (I go to a community clinic where you pay on a sliding scale) just started me on a Chinese herbal supplement, and I have to say, it seems to be helping. I’ve had the beginnings of two migraines since I started taking them, but they apparently aborted themselves after a minute. Very strange!

And last night, unbeknownst to me, I had oil and vinegar dressing on my salad that had pepper in it. (I always order oil and vinegar because I have reactions now to most dressings. I just assumed there was nothing else in it.)

No throat closing up, no migraine as of yet. Fingers crossed!

2 thoughts on “Cautiously optimistic

  1. Here’s hoping for the best. My friend has been going to the acupuncturist for a shoulder problem and problem fixed. She mentioned her indigestion problems, a couple of additional needles somewhere and now her acid reflux seems to be abating. Crafty Orientals.

  2. My husband was miserable w/allergies after we moved to NJ. On the advice of a friend he began to take nettle tea w/LOCAL honey in the a.m.

    What a difference. He’s a new, practically allergy free, man.

    Good luck, Susie. Hope it continues to work.

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