Can a Supreme Court ruling be unconstitutional?

No. As part of the ‘undercard’ debate for second-tier Republican candidates for president Wednesday night, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum said the United States Supreme Court’s June 26 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which effectively legalized same-sex marriage, was “unconstitutional.” Santorum’s comments came after candidates were asked to respond to the incarceration and subsequent release of…

2 thoughts on “Can a Supreme Court ruling be unconstitutional?

  1. Technically, no. But really, yes. Dred Scott, and on through a whole line of crap down to the present.

    Santorum is calling it “unconstitutional” as a synonym for Bad, and the author is saying “constitutional” as a synonym for Good (in this case, since I assume he wouldn’t dream of calling the Dred Scott decision a good one).

    They’re both trying to argue about right and wrong, but instead of just doing it, they’re arguing from authority. Which doesn’t actually make the guy on the side of the angels smarter than the other one.

  2. You gotta remember that words don’t mean the same thing over there. Unconstitutional means ‘things I don’t like’.

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