Dance, don’t shoot

Loved this. As I often say, the world would be a better place if we all lived life as if it were a Broadway musical:

In Washington, police showed up in a neighborhood near Nationals Park baseball stadium to break up a fight between two groups of teens. After it was over, 17-year-old Aaliyah Taylor, a senior at Ballou High School, walked up to the officer and started playing “Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)” on her phone. Instead of clearing out, as the police officer had demanded that she and the rest of the crowd do, she started dancing the Nae Nae. You can totally see a teen doing this, right?

That officer had a choice: Yell at the teen for being defiant and disrespectful? Go rogue and slam the teen to the ground, South Carolina-style?

Nope. The officer began dancing, too, matching Aaliyah move for move. It was a hilarious, uplifting and refreshing 56 seconds of video that immediately went viral.

It shouldn’t be news that a police officer used her humanity to defuse a tense situation instead of escalating it, that a white cop didn’t use force against a black teen. But for many people in Aaliyah’s community, it was.