She’s more afraid of Hillary

Susan Sarandon

In an interview a few weeks ago with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, actress and activist Susan Sarandon ruffled more than a few feathers by asserting that “some people feel that Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately, if he gets in. Then things will really, you know, explode.” Sarandon said later that the ensuing media frenzy took…

3 thoughts on “She’s more afraid of Hillary

  1. Did you happen to see the LATimes this morning?

    Headline: Trump begins California campaign with raw performance in O.C.

    And what did this rawness consist of?

    [He] surrounded himself onstage with people carrying banners with photos of family members killed by immigrants in the country illegally.

    Trump also played to fears of terrorism, blasting President Obama for allowing Middle Eastern war refugees into the United States.

    “We’re putting them all over the country by the thousands, and we have no idea what the hell is going to happen,” he said.

    Trump went on to criticize Republican rival Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas for not embracing the waterboarding of terrorism suspects.

    “He’s actually a very weak person, so he didn’t like it,” Trump said. “I’d go many steps further than waterboarding — many, many steps further.”

    His torture comments generated another huge burst of cheers.

    I guess he’s pivoted to being “Presidential.”

    Sarandon, and everyone who lives on her planet, need to get back on their meds.

  2. Trump says lots things in a very dumb way. Mostly because he’s not a very deep thinker.
    Come November we will probably have one millionaire Capitalist battling another millionaire Capitalist for the presidency.
    Are the banks too big to fail?
    The Capitalists say no and “we the people” say yes.
    The Capitalists are divided into two camps on this issue.
    One camp wants the banking sector completely deregulated. They are the Republicans or Fascists.
    The other camp wants minimal regulation placed on the banks. Those are the Democrats including neo-liberals Obama and Hillary.
    So “we the people” will get no regulations or minimal regulations.
    Either way the 99% loses and the Big Banks win.

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