Grayson Explains Effects Of Carbon Dioxide As Only Grayson Can

Alan Grayson - Caricature

In a Congressional hearing today, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher launched the usual set of right-wing talking points about coal, carbon dioxide, and global warming, but I’m pretty sure he wasn’t expecting Alan Grayson to educate him quite the way he did. “Millions of dollars, if not billions of dollars, we’re talking about is all based on the…

4 thoughts on “Grayson Explains Effects Of Carbon Dioxide As Only Grayson Can

  1. With the nonsense that comes out of the mouth of every Republican politician why are they surprised that Donald Trump won their parties nomination?
    But here’s a question: Does Hillary actually believe in flying saucers?
    I certainly hope not.
    We already have one crackpot running for president–Donald Trump–and one is enough.

  2. No the point was made flippantly. The issue is warming. We are far removed from asphyxiating by CO2 saturation. Stupid analogy.

  3. The comparison, actually, is not so far off what could happen with increased warming of the world. For example, it has been reported that higher ocean temperatures are affecting the number and viability of plankton*. Little planktons, in mass, are responsible for a high percentage of new oxygen getting into the air. Allowing us breathers to, well, live.

    And putting plastic bag on one’s head, tightly tied, means the person gets less and less oxygen and more of the CO2 which doesn’t do much for the earth’s fauna to, well, stay alive.

    *Fewer plankton also affect the number of fish available for humans to eat, so there’s that down side as well.

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