Update on Melania’s cribbing – the ballerina did it!

#News:  Penulis Pidato Melania Trump Minta Maaf0

I was updating Swamp Rabbit on the screw-up at the RNC, where Melania Trump made a speech that was partly cribbed from Michelle Obama’s speech at the 2008 DNC.

“You were part right,” I said. “Melania rejected the original speech, written by two guys who used to work for George W. Bush. Then she apparently did a rewrite with Meredith McIver, an ex-ballerina who helped Trump write some of his books. Yesterday, McIver took responsibility for the plagiarized sections.”

Swamp Rabbit gnawed on a carrot. “But why would the ballerina want to crib from a speech by Obama’s wife, of all people? Republicans think Obama is the Great Satan.”

“It’s complicated,” I said. “The ballerina said she put in the Michele stuff, almost word for word, then forgot to remove them from the final draft.”

The rabbit spit into the swamp. “That don’t make no sense. Why did she put them in there in the first place?”

I shrugged. “Because Melania liked Michelle’s speech. I think it gets back to what I said yesterday — Trump is too cheap and disorganized to hire reliable staffers, or to check on what they’re up to. He doesn’t understand it’s dangerous to let cronies and family members make campaign decisions. He has the attention span of a gnat, and he’s too vain to own up to mistakes.”

“So are you,” Swamp Rabbit said. “You thought Melania might be the victim but she’s the one did the cribbing. She let the ballerina take the fall instead of owning up to it. She and her freaky husband deserve each other.”

3 thoughts on “Update on Melania’s cribbing – the ballerina did it!

  1. I still think Trump put those bits in the speech. He has apparently thrown Ms. McIver under the bus before for “exaggerations” in those books. Gosh who do we know who exaggerates a lot? There is also a clip of Trump saying nice things about that 2008 speech.

    McIver’s probably being paid nicely to take the fall. Melania probably didn’t realize how blatant the problem was and what the full consequences were of using those lines. If she did, then she really is as dumb and incompetent as her husband.

  2. What struck me, actually, was how frightened she looked. She’s his third wife and she has to perform to remain employed/married. Her ten years are almost up.

    Unlike Michelle Obama, whose husband actually didn’t pick her for her looks-though surely they were a factor-nor did she pick him because of
    his fabulous wealth, which he did not have-although his looks surely mattered to Michelle.

    I think the Obama marriage is sound. I think the Clinton marriage is sound. My own marriage as well-we’ll both too OLD to go through a divorce,for G-d’s sake.

    Melania, on the other hand….she looked scared. She is married to a to freak who trots her out on these occasions…

    Her ten year term as as wife are almost up. She will, surely, get lots and lots of money-my heart is not bleeding. OK.

    What she will never get-second time around- is a husband as good as Michelle’s.

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