Political change is not just about character

Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine

I’ve been saying this for a long time: Politics means I don’t care whether you believe in what I’m asking you to do, only that you do it. That’s politics. Enough people demand something, eventually you get it.

I have no patience with people who say that getting what you want isn’t enough. The person must also become a convert. Oh, please.

What a lot of the hand wringers are saying about Clinton is just plain silly. It’s a very different world from the DLC era. You really think she wants to impose 90’s-style triangulation onto a completely different environment? She’s not stupid.

We have a country now where real progressive change is not only possible, but likely. There is the political room to get this done, especially if we take back both houses.

That was the probable thinking behind the Tim Kaine selection. He will help pull in more southern voters, making it easier to take both houses. It was a smart move. I don’t know if you watched his speech, but he’s going to be great. (And by the way, he’s the civil rights activist that Bernie only pretended to be.)

Donald Trump is a very dangerous man. Please don’t tell me about your protest vote for Gary Johnson or Jill Stein, I won’t respect you for taking that position in a time of national peril. We don’t just need to stop Trump, we need to crush him — and the rest of the Republican party with him.

We need to build an electoral wall, and we will need every damn brick.

4 thoughts on “Political change is not just about character

  1. Unfortunately, I’m never going to be able to convert the die-hard Republicans I know to vote for Hillary. No matter what. Men and women, they HATE her to their core. I’m encouraging them to vote for Johnson. Anyone but Trump.

  2. I will hold my nose and vote Clinton, but I don’t want to hear the bleating crap about blaming Stein or third parties If Hillary blows this up. She is now behind. Silver gives Trump a better than fifty percent chance for the first time. I predict she comes out of the convention still behind. Then let’s see her strategic thinking.

  3. Oh, I’ll vote for Hillary, alright. I voted for her in her first Senate race, against her in the next Senate primary-to punish her for her Iraq War vote- and for her again in the general election for the Senate, and for her again over Barack Obama in the New York primary, for her again over Bernie Sanders in the last primary, and look forward to November, when I’ll vote for her again.

    And make my loving spouse drive me to Mt. Hope Cemetery to stick my “I voted” sticker on Susan B’s grave. Even if it’s snowing. (Thanks for letting me know about this charming local custom, Susie. I was born in Rochester, and have lived here most of my life, but didn’t know women did until you posted the photo.)

    That said, what’s bothering me now is the chutzpah of Senator Sanders and his children crusaders . Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s job, as head of the DNC, is to get Democrats elected to public office. Hillary Clinton is a Democrat, and has been for many years.

    Bernie Sanders-not so much. Apparently, he’s been calling himself an “Independent” for most political life and running as one. Suddenly, this year, he “declared” himself a “Democrat”, and went after the first female to ever have a shot at the White House.

    I question his timing, I question his motives. Christ, he sat on his perch in the Senate for many years, voted with Hillary-the Wall Street “whore”- 93% of the time- and never thought to introduce a bill to abolish the Electoral College? Not even after the Bush vs. Gore Disaster?

    And how about the fundamental unfairness of Vermont (and Alaska, and Nevada…there is a long list) having the same number of Senators as my state of New York? Never struck him as unfair, apparently, even though he had many years to think about it.

    Of course, it’s hard to ask a man (or woman) to vote to abolish his or her job in the interest of fairness. But if the guy is pretending to be the saint in the room? The victim of the system?


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