Hewitt: Breitbart equals Media Matters, Coulter equals Michael Moore

Hugh Hewitt

It’s Sunday Morning and on MSNBC, AM Joy addressed the Breitbartization of the Republican Party. Is it problematic to take a Stephen K. Bannon, head of Breitbart and the Donald Trump campaign, and allow him to set the agenda for an entire political party, given all his racist, sexist and bigoted leanings? Of course it is,…

2 thoughts on “Hewitt: Breitbart equals Media Matters, Coulter equals Michael Moore

  1. First of all – his description of the “alt-left” – the “boo God” etc., is unhinged from reality. Not one thing that paragraph says isn’t a lie.

    Second – anyone – ANYONE – associated with Breitbart is a racist. Period. The company you keep defines you.

  2. Conservatives have always been liars. It’s so ingrained in their mutant psyche, true words catch in their throats.

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