What you should know about Trump and climate change

Dodge Cyclone II

Geeze, I hate to hit you with this stuff first thing in the morning, but somebody’s gotta do it! Via Climate Change:

As President-elect Donald Trump continues to round out his cabinet and White House staff, his policies and priorities are coming more into focus.

All indications so far point to a bleak future for addressing climate change, or even recognizing it as one of the world’s largest challenges. A number of his cabinet nominees, political appointees and closest advisors are outright climate deniers while others have funded the denial of climate change or are lukewarm on accepting the science.

At best, climate action will likely take a backseat to other issues. At worst, there could be an all-out assault on the science, and as important, the funding that makes it possible.

To glean a clearer picture of where Trump’s administration stands and where it may be headed, we’ve created a list of his major cabinet and agency appointees as well as his senior advisors. We’ll continue to update this as appointments are made.

Go read it, but not if you puke easily.

One thought on “What you should know about Trump and climate change

  1. And I just got a pop-up on my news feed saying that Trump has picked Scott Pruitt to head the EPA.

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