Imagine! Fox was lying about food stamps


Pathologizing poverty has been an long-term, ongoing-and sadly, highly successful-project of the right in this country. From Scott Walker’s recent appeal to PEOTUS Donald Trump to allow the state of Wisconsin to drug test food stamp recipients, to House GOP plans to make it harder to qualify for aid, the goal is to punish and stigmatize…

3 thoughts on “Imagine! Fox was lying about food stamps

  1. In WI there are so many food banks that you would never have to buy groceries or some house hold necessities. You are also fooled by the ideology of help for the poor. Good Stamps are a way to move tax money to Big Ag and supermarkets in the name of help for the low income but which are really about pouring tax money to food corporations using the MASK of the poor.Cutting out chewing gum, candy bars,potato chips, pretzels, and other junk foods as well as all the Gen Mills cereals full of high fructose corn syrup. And we both know the lobbyists for these corporations won’t allow their sales to go down. People need to grow organic gardens with free seeds from the public Libraries and eat well not free.Drug testing is not a bad idea. All the people in my apt complex living on subsidized rent were doing addictions of all kinds. If they get paid while doing them their addictions are being reinforced and they will never get free. It’s a Catch-22. They eat shitty but taxes pay for it. If you don’t believe me stand at the ck out of the supermarket at the beginning of each month and watch the stuff move out in the shopper carts.It is saddening.

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