Republicans and The Great Purge

Because we all buy new iPhones every damned month.

After digging through the Republican “healthcare” bill until late last night, I can tell you it’s not meant to provide healthcare to anyone who isn’t already doing well. I’d also like to point out that this isn’t a healthcare bill at all — it’s a vehicle to gut Obamacare and use the money to fund yet another massive tax cut for the wealthy.

It will also literally will defund the Medicare trust fund by 2024.

And it may pass. Because even though four Republican senators say they won’t support it, they may have to. We’ll see.

So what “Republican” now means, flat out, is: Kill off people like us, anyone who isn’t Republican and/or well-off. Force as many black and brown people as you can out of the country by empowering border police to ignore the law and hold people in detention because they look funny.

Doctors make up one of the largest parts of the Republican base. I wonder how many of them will be able to make as much money when Medicare is no longer sending them a steady stream of people who need replacement knees and bypass surgery. Sure, rich people will get those procedures — but how many?

Like most Republican plans, they haven’t really thought this through. They don’t have to. They know under Trump, they have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to destroy it all, and they’re going for it.

2 thoughts on “Republicans and The Great Purge

  1. The iPhone thing is a flat-out racist dog-whistle. Conspicuous consumption of iPhones is for white people who can afford it – not those other people.

  2. I’m white and I don’t have an iPhone. Does Jason have any other brilliant ideas?

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