Trump admits he leaked info but it’s totally cool

A New Executive Order for Sweeping Cyber-Security Review Signed by Trump

You knew it would happen. After all the surrogate statements and attempts to spin, Trump started tweeting this morning and undermined everything his team did yesterday to contain this scandal: As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining…. – Donald…

3 thoughts on “Trump admits he leaked info but it’s totally cool

  1. What tRump did was jeopardize the source and betray the ally who gave us the intel. McMaster is a real disappointment – I thought he had at least some integrity.

  2. I would say that he is like a child blurting out inconvenient truths, but he is more like that senile uncle at the dinner table at Thanksgiving.

  3. Python’s the Holy Grail, and Arthur vs. the Black Knight.

    After his left arm is hacked off by Arthur the Black Knight said,

    “Tis but a scratch. I’ve had worse.”

    Off with the right arm.

    BK: “It’s just a flesh wound.”

    Goodbye left leg.

    BK: “I’m invincible.”

    Arthur: “You’re looney.”

    Gone is the right leg,

    Black Knight, “All right, we’ll call it a draw.”

    Trump thinks like the Black Knight.

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