Ask yourself this question

Feinstein and Grassley (15-March-2017)

If we know for a fact that the Russians (despite yesterday’s NRA reassurances) did, in fact, change the outcome of the election, would they tell us?

I don’t think so.

Look at this video. It was two months ago, after senators were given a private briefing from James Comey.

Look at their faces. Both Feinstein and Grassley look… gut-punched. The color has drained from their faces. What do you suppose Comey could have told them that got that reaction?

I’m gonna go with a stolen election, one they’re going to keep under wraps. Because our Founders, as prescient as they were about most things, did not provide us with any kind of mechanism with which to right a stolen election. Sure, we can impeach Trump for high crimes and misdemeanors, but what happens to his administration?

I am watching all this with a sinking feeling.

4 thoughts on “Ask yourself this question

  1. Supposing the election was stolen, a good reason not to let the public know is that the questions would arise: since now we know they /can/ be hacked, might it be that other elections have been hacked? Has one of the alphabet agencies been working the margins all along (Hello, 2004 battleground states!), and this time they got out-hacked?

    Let’s go with paper ballots. Doesn’t matter what it costs– it’s worth it.

  2. A real patriot, if there are any on the intel committees, would put all of the information out there for the public to evaluate. Even though we don’t currently have a mechanism for replacing a fraudulent administration, that would give us a foundation for demanding that lawmakers create such a mechanism.

  3. John F. Kennedy was assassinated by…………..?

    The “Deep State” is always at work.

    They are the ones carrying the cardboard cutouts projected against the wall by the fire burning behind the common folk who are chained in place and only allowed to stare forward.

  4. I agree Susie – I am skeptical they’d admit our elections are phony baloney. 2000, 2004 (Ohio) – there are some legitimate concerns already. And yes we need paper ballots.

    I do hope someday before I pass someone will step forward with the truth.

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