
All day yesterday, crying Republicans talked about the horror and trauma of the mass shooting that put Steve Scalise in the hospital.

And I just couldn’t work up any empathy. All I could think about was the interview with one of the Sandy Hook parents, who talked about seeing the crime scene photos and said she wished the public could see what assault rifles did to their little bodies. (Her son’s face was blown off.)

The Republicans, of course, did nothing about it except many words about the healing application of “hopes and prayers.”

Now, as usual, right wingers are scouring every corner of social media to find examples of heartless liberals who are “politicizing” a tragedy. To which I say, fuck that. You people are shameless.

Remember this?

They claimed President Obama used onions to induce tears over the deaths of those 20 children.

Fuck them all, and fuck the NRA.

4 thoughts on “Empathy

  1. … and, by the way, where were all these very same fuckers lamenting the assault on their sorry asses on a baseball field (of all places) when their Oval Office Idiot-In-Chief was heard on the Hollywood tape discussing with fucking GLEE how he could ASSAULT women because he’s famous??? Where were they?? Shameless bastards!!!

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