One thought on “And away we go

  1. To date Trump and the Republican’s have failed to get the $900 billion dollars they need to help fund their massive tax cuts for the oligarchs.

    They tried to get it by cutting $900 billion dollars from Medicaid in their ruinous health care legislation.

    Now comes their budget bill.
    The Republicans plan to shred the “social safety net.”

    They plan to cut $5.4 ‘trillion’ dollars out of the budget.

    In part by cutting $500 billion dollars from Medicare and $1.5 ‘trillion’ dollars from Medicaid.

    That gets them one third of the way toward their goal of giving the top 2% a $4.7 ‘trillion’ dollar tax cut and $700 billion dollars to the military that they didn’t even ask for. (It takes a lot of money to keep on fighting our never ending wars.)

    The remaining two thirds of the money will come from very, very deep cuts to Food Stamps, tax credits for the working poor, and a host of other valuable and specifically directed “entitlement” programs to numerous to list.

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