Senators on hot mic: ‘Trump is crazy’

Prospects for repeal of Obamacare remains uncertain

Sen. Susan Collins forgot to turn her mic off after a Senate Subcommittee hearing and her conversations with Sen. Jack Reed (D) are the stuff of legends. Sen. Reed called Trump, “crazy” and Sen. Collins responded to a duel challenge by Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Tex.) The two Senators discussed a host of Trump administration craziness including…

3 thoughts on “Senators on hot mic: ‘Trump is crazy’

  1. “Crazy” is the new sane in Washington.

    Mattis has talked Trump into banning all transgender people from entering the military. Trump announced that today on his tweet machine.
    Mattis is a very dangerous man.

    Also. which crazies are supporting militant White Nationalist Jeff Sessions?

    Breitbart, Bannon, Steve Miller, Hannity, Limberger, and the rest of the alt-right fascist media is who.
    Oh, and for some odd reason a number of Democratic congress people.
    Sessions needs to go ASAP.

    Some more crazy: “A Better Deal.” WTF??? How about a “Better New Deal?” Sigh.

    Maybe the most crazy thing so far this week: Sanctions against Russia and Iran.
    Like anybody is going to support that idiocy in Europe or China.

  2. Just remember:
    As long as Sessions remains AG, Mueller can conduct his investigation(s).
    Not a bad tradeoff.

  3. In the short term maybe.

    But there’s a much longer term to consider.

    Mueller’s investigation will go on for as long as it needs to go on, irrespective of what Trump does about ‘his’ AG, or ‘his’ head of the FBI, etc.

    Trump will soon come to understand that he wasn’t elected to be the dictator or a supreme being.

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