White Nationalist Stephen Miller rants at CNN reporter

Gollum in the White House

Thank goodness today’s White House Press Briefing was on camera because the fireworks we saw from CNN’s Jim Acosta and White House Nazi #2, Stephen Miller, was *insane*. Miller was not prepared for Acosta’s direct questions nor was he capable of changing the subject as Acosta came back with follow up upon follow up. It was…

2 thoughts on “White Nationalist Stephen Miller rants at CNN reporter

  1. A merit based system?

    Who gets to assign the points?

    What are the criteria for getting points?

    “I am a millionaire oligarch from Russia and I want to get a Green Card and invest in the USA.”

    “Great, 100 points for you, and you’re in. Next.”

  2. Miller is close to the uncanny valley, he strikes me as a
    pod person
    non-player character

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