Unqualified judge nominee ‘forgot’ to mention his wife worked for the guy who nominated him

In what can only be described as a predictably corrupt turn of events, new information has come to light about the supremely unqualified Brett Talley, Alabama federal court nominee who has only been a lawyer for three years and has never tried a case. Today the New York Times tells us that Talley “forgot” to tell…

2 thoughts on “Unqualified judge nominee ‘forgot’ to mention his wife worked for the guy who nominated him

  1. The entire country is turning into a Saturday morning rendition of the “Howdy Doody Show”. Have the R’s gone entirely insane? The rest of the world must be laughing its collective ass off!!!

  2. Don McGhan is one horrible human being.

    He, like his protégé Talley, are in the governing game to make lots of money for themselves. They are not in it to help their fellow citizens.
    And who knows what Ann Donaldson is really up to?

    But here’s how the whole governing mess got to be as corrupt as it is today.

    The combined wealth of 3 men–Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet–equals the total wealth of the bottom 50% of Americans–160 million people.

    The combined wealth of just 8 men worldwide is equal to the total wealth of the bottom 50% of the world’s population–3.5 billion people.

    That concentration of wealth worldwide and in the United States is undemocratic, unconscionable, and very, very dangerous.

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