2,700-year-old seal impression cements existence of biblical Jerusalem governor

New synagogue opens UNDER Temple Mount

Found in ongoing Western Wall plaza excavations, the minuscule clay piece is inscribed in ancient Hebrew script, ‘To the governor of the city’ Past and present collided last week when an extremely rare seal impression discovered in Jerusalem’s Western Wall plaza and bearing the inscription “To the governor of the city” was presented to Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat.

One thought on “2,700-year-old seal impression cements existence of biblical Jerusalem governor

  1. The Kingdom of Israel was formed in 1000 BCE. 250 years later the Assyrian’s conquered the place. The Romans took it from the Assyrian’s.

    Was there a Jewish governor, or two, of Jerusalem in the employ of the Assyrian’s when they controlled the Levant 2700 years ago? Almost certainly. So what?

    Yesterday, Netanyahu’s Likud Party voted unanimously for a resolution calling for the annexation of its illegal West Bank settlements.
    They voted to “impose Israeli law on all liberated areas of settlements in Judea and Samaria.”

    Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan said, “Two states for two people is a concept that has disappeared from the world. And to my joy Trump does not accept the mistaken concept of a two-state solution.”

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