Panhandle Slim… Art for Folk…

Panhandle Slim…
This painting went up on a fence(business) off Drayton at Victory Dr. over a year ago. It went missing rather quickly after that. The other day I got a message from someone saying they had the Dalia Lama painting that was on the fence and they feel bad about taking it and want to return it to me. I thanked the person and said they do not have to return it to me, but if they could put it back on the fence where they found it that would be great. The person did just that and put it up more secure then I did. The painting and the message is back up on the streets of Savannah, GA. Folks are good!

One thought on “Panhandle Slim… Art for Folk…

  1. Some folks are good.
    Others need to be enlightened.
    And a few are a lost cause through no fault of their own.
    Because we’ve all been brainwashed to one degree or another.

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