Just plain crazy

You really can’t do this. Working for an administration is not the same as working for a private company, and I’m sure they just did this to placate Trump. But they’re unenforceable.

One thought on “Just plain crazy

  1. Trump is insane.
    So are the rest of the Republicans.

    The “new” Republican message is that we all need to overlook the fact that Trump is a criminal because the ends justify the means.

    Trump is the means, so what are the ends?

    Giving huge tax cuts to the wealthy and the corporations even if that means running a $1 trillion yearly deficit.
    Giving the military $717 billion dollars a year to continue fighting endless war.
    Ending Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and every other social and economic program for children and the working poor.
    Privatizing everything from prisons to schools in order to eliminate the government and hand control over to the corporations.

    Republicans are the enemy and so is their theory of Capitalism.

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