Good for her

Did you know they wanted her to sit at the same table with the guy who tried to rape her?

One thought on “Good for her

  1. If Professor Christine Blasey Ford wants the FBI to investigate her claims then the FBI should do that.

    The first thing that the FBI should investigate is the cultural of the Roman Catholic, Georgetown Preparatory School which Kavanaugh attended.
    According to Kavanaugh’s good friend Mark Judge the place was a den of “debauchery and drunkenness.”

    Georgetown Prep is a factory.
    The raw material (mostly spoiled, psychologically damaged rich kids), comes through the front and is processed, categorized, and brainwashed.
    After four years the finished products are ready to be culled, packaged, and distributed.
    Most are cut loose to fend for themselves with the help of their parents wealth.
    Some are sent on for further processing.
    But a very few are called on by God to do his work.
    Kavanaugh was one of those and Mark Judge was not.

    Professor Ford should be treated with respect and her claims should be taken seriously and fully investigated.

    Note: Georgetown Prep was where Neil Gorsuch and many other members of the Federalist Society attended high school.

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