Politics and Thanksgiving dinner …

In the course of the last few years, I have been pretty artful at avoiding political conversations with members of my extended family during Thanksgiving (or anytime for that matter.) My family’s political opinions run the spectrum so the potential for lighting a powder keg is pretty high as we are members of a highly opinionated group.

I am pretty blunt, “It is Thanksgiving, how about sending me this in an email.” And I move on the conversation about something benign.


But, some just can’t stop the urge to opine.

Some will have the unfortunate experience of having a distant relative getting a little deep into their cups and start pontificating crazy conspiracies. You know, a real buzz hassle.

Maybe this will help. Maybe.

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

House Judiciary Committee to hold first hearing December 4th…

“I write to ask if — pursuant to H. Res. 660 and the relating Judiciary Committee Impeachment Inquiry procedures — you and your counsel plan to attend the hearing or make a request to question the witness panel,” Nadler wrote, referring to the resolution passed last month which outlines the rules for the impeachment inquiry.

The first hearing, titled “The Impeachment Inquiry into President Donald J. Trump: Constitutional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment,” will feature testimony from legal experts, Democratic committee aides said.