Reporter blasts Scarborough

What Joe Scarborough does is no different from what I do as a blogger, or what your Uncle Fred does when he sits on a bar stool and bloviates. It is opinion, and sometimes it hits the mark. Sometimes it doesn’t.

But bloggers at least make the occasional effort to dig into an important story, and that’s how you tell the difference between us and Morning Joe.

Wesley Lowery has been on the streets of Ferguson since Monday, talking to the people of the community. He’s also been teargassed, been shot at with rubber bullets and yes, arrested. As opposed to Joe Scarborough, whose field investigations require him to dress up like G.I. Joe and take a perfectly safe boat ride with the governor of Texas.

Here’s Lowery’s account of his arrest:

An officer with a large weapon came up to me and said, “Stop recording.”

I said, “Officer, do I not have the right to record you?”

He backed off but told me to hurry up. So I gathered my notebook and pens with one hand while recording him with the other hand.

As I exited, I saw Ryan to my left, having a similar argument with two officers. I recorded him, too, and that angered the officer. As I made my way toward the door, the officers gave me conflicting information.

One instructed me to exit to my left. As I turned left, another officer emerged, blocking my path.

“Go another way,” he said.

As I turned, my backpack, which was slung over one shoulder, began to slip. I said, “Officers, let me just gather my bag.” As I did, one of them said, “Okay, let’s take him.”

Multiple officers grabbed me. I tried to turn my back to them to assist them in arresting me. I dropped the things from my hands.

“My hands are behind my back,” I said. “I’m not resisting. I’m not resisting.” At which point one officer said: “You’re resisting. Stop resisting.”
Continue reading “Reporter blasts Scarborough”

Richard Nixon was a traitor

40 years later, the Gift that keeps on giving...

It drives me crazy when people try to rehabilitate this crook:

The new release of extended versions of Nixon’s papers now confirms this long-standing belief, usually dismissed as a “conspiracy theory” by Republican conservatives. Now it has been substantiated by none other than right-wing columnist George Will.

Nixon’s newly revealed records show for certain that in 1968, as a presidential candidate, he ordered Anna Chennault, his liaison to the South Vietnam government, to persuade them to refuse a cease-fire being brokered by President Lyndon Johnson.

Nixon’s interference with these negotiations violated President John Adams’s 1797 Logan Act, banning private citizens from intruding into official government negotiations with a foreign nation.

Published as the 40th Anniversary of Nixon’s resignation approaches, Will’s column confirms that Nixon feared public disclosure of his role in sabotaging the 1968 Vietnam peace talks. Will says Nixon established a “plumbers unit” to stop potential leaks of information that might damage him, including documentation he believed was held by the Brookings Institute, a liberal think tank. The Plumbers’ later break-in at the Democratic National Committee led to the Watergate scandal that brought Nixon down.

Nixon’s sabotage of the Vietnam peace talks was confirmed by transcripts of FBI wiretaps. On November 2, 1968, LBJ received an FBI report saying Chernnault told the South Vietnamese ambassador that “she had received a message from her boss: saying the Vietnamese should “hold on, we are gonna win.”

As Will confirms, Vietnamese did “hold on,” the war proceeded and Nixon did win, changing forever the face of American politics—-with the shadow of treason permanently embedded in its DNA.

Continue reading “Richard Nixon was a traitor”

Thanks for proving his point

Your librul media, folks!

Former NBC and CBS News correspondent Ed Rabel wrote in a 2013 Charleston (WV) Gazette opinion piece that the people in local TV news are “bubble-heads and glib, young,
sometimes pretty know-nothings” who “wouldn’t know a news story if it slapped them in the face.”

Station owners and managers forbid their news departments from stepping on toes and ruffling feathers, out of fear that such stories might insult local advertisers or offend politicians on whose toes reporters might stomp. And investigative or original reporting is costly, meaning real reporters must be hired to do real reporting, a job that requires lots of time and money that the stations have no time for.

Sixteen months after his op-ed was published, Rabel announced he was running for Congress as an independent in West Virginia’s second Congressional District. WCHS-TVnews director Matt Snyder apparently wasn’t ready to forgive Rabel for his TV news criticism, and ordered his staff to ignore the former journalist’s campaign, according to the Morgan County USA website.