DIY abortion attempts three times as prevalent in Texas as other states…

The Texas Policy Evaluation Project at The University of Texas at Austin found 6.9 percent of 721 patients seeking abortion tried to end their pregnancies on their own before going to an abortion clinic, compared to 2.2 percent nationally. The results of the study were released Thursday morning.

“We hear from clients pretty often, if I can’t get money for this, trying it at home is their next step,” said Cristina Parker, a spokeswoman for the Lilith Fund, which offers financial assistance to people who need abortions.

2 thoughts on “DIY abortion attempts three times as prevalent in Texas as other states…

  1. Abortion would be legal if we had Medicare For All.

    Which is why Evangelical Christian’s despise Medicare For All.

  2. Pro choice organizations such as Reproaction are trying to give women the information they need to deal with a post-Roe world, such as WHO protocols for safe, self-managed abortion with pills.
    They are trying to avoid the deaths and maimings that were so common before abortion was legalized in 1973.

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