Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States!

The death toll is doubling every day, but this is what this incompetent monster is focused on:

One thought on “Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States!

  1. Trumps fatal flaw is that he is unable to hold more then one complete thought in his head at the same time. A one trick pony if you will.

    Three months ago Trump was entirely focused on being re-elected to the exclusion of everything else including the coronavirus outbreak in China.

    His daily routine consisted of attacking “Slow Joe,” “Socialist Bernie,” “Pocahontas,” “fake news,” and the “Communist Democratic Party.”

    Since then he has become a complete failure as a leader except to those too frightened to think for themselves.
    The Democrats played a large role in scaring these people into supporting Trump so they only have themselves to blame.

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