One thought on “Panhandle Slim… Art for Folk…

  1. The acting Capitol Police Chief, who takes paranoia to a new level, has strongly recommended the following:

    > Building a retractable fence around the entire Capitol complex.
    > Hiring an additional 1000 capitol police.
    > Stationing a rapid strike force close to the Capitol grounds which would be on call 24/7.

    Before anyone even begins to entertain the ludicrous and reactionary demands of Chief Yogananda Pittman we should do several things.

    First, take down the existing razor wire topped, 10 foot high fence.
    Second, send the 5000 National Guard troops currently occupying Capitol Hill home.
    Third, replace Chief Pittman with a sane person

    Creating a Green Zone in Baghdad is one thing, but turning Capitol Hill into an armed camp is stunningly stupid and crazy.

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