3 thoughts on “The work song

  1. Ahhh…thanks so much for this one. I remember watching it when it was first aired on KCET in Los Angeles, while busily recording the stereo simulcast on KCRW.

    Would love to have a DVD of the show, but I suspect that “contractual obligations” (greedy bastard megaconglomerate “media” companies) would prevent that from ever happening. Or, equally likely, that PBS recorded over/threw away the master tape. So thanks, too, to the people who taped the broadcast on their VCRs and have put the songs up on YouTube.

    (It jolted my memory watching the crowd shot at the end, too. I can remember at the time that my spiky unkempt punk hairdo didn’t mesh with the audience’s neatly-coiffed middle class look. No matter…the McGarrigles were musicians’ musicians, and I’m sure there were not a few other viewers whose hairdos and ripped tights matched mine.)

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