Wingnut kabuki always works

Protest Planned Parenthood

Sometimes I get so tired, because the right wing is so good at this crap. Look at how easily they destroyed ACORN, and now they’re trying to do the same thing to Planned Parenthood. It really depresses me that so many people haven’t caught on to these same tactics which are used again and again and again:

Roanoke County Supervisor Al Bedrosian was interrupted by a breast cancer survivor as he was pushing to defund Planned Parenthood at a recent press conference in Virginia. According to The Roanoke Times, Bedrosian had been on a “crusade” to defund the United Way since a conservative group released deceptively edited videos of Planned Parenthood employees speaking about fetal tissue donations.

“Let’s make everybody happy,” Bedrosian told a group of anti-abortion activists in front of the county administration building. “Those that want to support Planned Parenthood, go for it. Do it. We’ll continue to pray on our side that we get out of this business of killing babies, but you can do it if you want. That’s freedom in America. But to actually enhance, facilitate or enable it through county government is where I have a problem.”

A woman who was identified as Leigh Anne Woods by WDBJ walked up the podium and took her shirt off as Bedrosian was speaking. “You have a problem because they perform abortions, look at everything else they do, they save lives!” Woods said. “It’s more than birth control,” she insisted. “It’s more than abortion. They save lives.”

Woods told WDBJ that she wanted to show the county supervisor the scars from the mastectomy she had just weeks earlier, and she credited Planned Parenthood for saving her life.

2 thoughts on “Wingnut kabuki always works

  1. They killed Acorn and no one paid a price, why not do it again. This is the same old shuck and jive that got us into Iraq. No one paid a price. Unless you call the national debt, the deaths of soldiers and civilians a price. It just that no price was paid by the decision makers.Hell, Dick Cheney is still quoted in the news. Until justice is as important as profit, nothing will change.

  2. PP has support among middle/upper class Whites so can’t be taken down easily like ACORN. Though both groups did/do good things for the poor and people of color.

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