2 thoughts on “Thanks, Meryl. We needed that.

  1. This is the woman who defends the Donald siccing his followers and thei death threats on Martha raddatz and others, yet is so sensitive about Meryl who never even mentioned trump by name.
    They will make my head exlplode before the year is up.
    And it’s not even her or trump or rinse priapus (thank you fucking autocorrect, he really is the human equivalent of rancid dick cheese) that bother me as their fucking minions who will pithily regurgitate this sort of Peggy noonissh umbrage about Meryl’s speech.
    They can get away with saying ANYTHING and their base will eat it up. I truly wish a horrible plague on every one of them.

  2. Guest, I hear you, plainly. But I think sometime around mid-terms IMPEACHMENT of the stupidest asshole ever to hold the office of President will be sufficient (…and not that lapdog pence will be any better). The thugs in Congress will have their careers on the line and things like conscious, cash, and careers will have them repudiating herr trump (again)! (And we thought Bush/Cheney were terrible).

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